"Thirty and one Witches of October" is a personal project that started as a daily drawing challenge in october, based on the list "ASTRIUBRO" created by Astriano Studio profile on instagram, and applying the WITCH theme to all themes of the list. This project ended up coming out of digital media and became a book that in addition to having all 31 Witches completed by me also became a coloring book. 

This project was crowdfunded through Catarse platform and in this project, beside the illustrations I was responsable for all the book layout, title lettering and for the final file for printing, making sure everything printed as planned. 

1. Pumpkin / Abóbora
2. Ghost / Fantasma - 3. Bones / Ossos - 4. Smoke / Fumaça
5. Slime
6. Potion / Poção - 7. Crow / Corvo - 8. Toy / Brinquedo
9. Mask / Máscara
10. Zombie / Zumbi - 11. Candy / Doce
12. Occult Sciences / Ciências Ocultas - 13. Mummy / Múmia

14. Cat / Gato
15. Clown / Palhaço - 16. Nightmare / Pesadelo - 17. Twins / Gêmeos
18. Monster / Monstro
19. Plant / Planta - 20. Hybrid / Híbrido
21. Dark / Escuro - 22. Death / Morte - 23. Tombstone / Lápide

24. Shapeshifter / Metamorfo
25. Charm / Amuleto - 26. Voodoo
27. Fangs / Presas
28. Trunk / Baú - 29. Depht / Profundeza - 30. Grimoire / Grimório
31. Witch / Bruxa

You can see more speed paint drawings of this project in my youtube channel

Thank you for your time!

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